
The Future of Korean Politics Might Be This Defector From Pyongyang

Foreign Policy 기사 The cosmopolitan speaks fluent English and Chinese in addition to his native Korean. 국제적인 인물인 태영호는 모국어인 한국어와 함께 유창한 영어와 중국어를 구사한다. And if North Korea ever reconciles with its neighbor—whether through collapse or diplomacy—it may be trailblazers like Thae who play a key role in any rapprochement. 그리고 만약 북한이 […]


Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Best Advice I Ever Heard

매일 아침 7시에 영어수업을 듣는다. 이번 주는 <영혼을 위한 닭고기 스프> 시리즈의 내가 들은 최고의 조언 이라는 책을 소개하는 영상을 녹음하는 게 과제였다. 원래는 영상을 재생한 뒤 직접 들으면서 입으로 바로 따라하며 녹음을 하려고 했는데 너무 어려웠다. 그래서 우선 직접 들으면서 스크립트를 만들었다. 녹음은 (원래 선생님이 요청한 내용과 다르게) 스크립트를 보면서 했다. 내가 전형적인 한국인의 […]


(2019.10.26) Mexico’s Day of the Dead

1. Power Warm-up Every year at the end of October, a three-day celebration takes place in Mexico and other parts of Latin America to honor those who have passed away. The Day of the Dead is featured in several movies, including Coco and Spectre, and has become a cultural asset of Mexico. 매년 10월 말에 […]


(2019.10.21) Perogies vs. Mandu

1. Power Warm-up It seems like every culture throughout Europe and Asia has dumplings of some sort, whether mandu in Korea, perogies in Poland, won tons in China, or ravioli in Italy. The styles vary from country to country, but the result is always the same: yummy! 유럽과 아시아의 모든 문화에는 일종의 만두가 있는 듯합니다. […]


(2019.10.18) Currency Trading Isn’t for Everyone

1. Power Warm-up Have you ever seen an advertisement for currency trading online? They make it look so easy – sit at home on your computer, click a few buttons, and just like that you’re ready to retire at 30! But really is never quite that simple for most people. 온라인에서 외환 거래 광고를 본 […]


(2019.10.19) The Benefits of Fasting

1. Power Warm-up Fasting, or an extended period of time spent not consuming any food or beverages containing any calories, has been proven to have many health benefits. The practice has been part of many religions and cultures for hundreds or even thousands of years. And now it’s gaining mainstream acceptance. 단식, 혹은 일정 기간 […]


(2019.10.17) Clean Water Solutions for Poor Countries

1. Power Warm-up With almost a billion people worldwide lacking access to clean, safe drinking water, many governments and non-profit organizations are looking for quick, easy, and inexpensive solution that can be put in place fast. But a solution is harder to find than anyone thought. 전 세계적으로 10억 명에 이르는 사람들이 깨끗하고 안전한 식수원을 […]


(2019.10.16) A Night Out with the Girls

1. Power Warm-up In most relationships, it’s necessary to spend a little social time apart in order to let off steam with your friends. Girls’ night is a popular western tradition in which the ladies leave their men at home and go out for dinner, drinks, and whatever else might be fun to do. 대부분의 […]


(2019.10.15) A Weekend in Sydney

1. Power Warm-up Our pair of travelers have made it south from Queensland to Australia’s most iconic city. With so much to see and do there, it’s a shame they only have a weekend there. What kinds of things would you want to do if you only had two das in Sydney. 우리의 두 여행자는 […]


(2019.10.14) Is Cold Brew Coffee Better?

1. Power Warm-up Cold-brew coffee has become quite a trend in the lat few years. But is it more than just a passing craze? Ford tells Brianna all the reasons he’s switched from traditionally brewed coffee to cold-brewed. Is it a matter of taste or is there something to it? 콜드브루 커피는 지난 몇 년간 […]