개인적으로 운영하는 <POWER ENGLISH> 비공개 스터디 그룹에서만 활용을 했는데, 좀 더 많은 사람들이 함께 활용하면 더 유익할 것 같아서 100% 공개합니다. 아래 링크를 클릭하여 공부하면 됩니다. Quizlet 학습자료 바로가기 : 파워 잉글리시 학습자료 (2021년 3월 첫째 주) 2021년 3월 학습 자료는 현재 총 33개의 단어 및 Phrasal Verb 표현이 포함되어 있습니다. 3월 전체 표현이 업데이트가 완료되면 […]
파워 잉글리시 학습자료 (2021년 2월)
Quizlet은 학습 콘텐츠를 재미있게 배울 수 있도록 돕는 플랫폼으로 플래시 카드, 단어 맞추기 게임 등을 제공합니다. Quizlet is an American online study application that allows students to study various topics via learning tools and games. Quizlet is an American online study application that allows students to study various topics via learning tools and games. 출처: […]
Eating Garlic to Fight Colds (2020.10.5)
1. fend something off to fight something off; to prevent an illness | ~을 막아 내다; 피하다 (~을 싸워 물리치다; 질병을 예방하다) (예문) Wearing masks help to fend off the spread of coronavirus. 2. call for something to require something | ~을 요구하다; ~을 필요로 하다 (예문) One of the banks made controversy because they […]
1. put something off (=procrastinate) to delay something | ~을 미루다, 지연하다, 연기하다 (예문) The coronavirus has put off our plans to trip all over the world. 2. a free-for-all a chaotic situation | (모두가 자기 이익만을 위해서 싸우는) 무질서[혼란] 상태; 무한 경쟁 (예문) Computers look like a free-for-all, but there are very sophisticated algorithms […]
My Dream Journal (2020.10.3)
1. close at hand nearby | something that’s going to happen very soon | 손 닿는 곳에; 가까운 곳에 (예문) People suffering from diabetes have to keep something sweet like candies close at hand. 2. jot something down to write something quickly | ~을 급히 쓰다 (예문) People always keep their smartphones close at hand […]
1. cooped up confined in a small space for an extended period / 꼼짝 말고 들어앉아 있는 (좁은 공간에 장기간 갇혀 있는)(예문) He had to be cooped up in the flight because there were big men with muscles next to him. 2. be crawling with something to be full of people or other things / […]
1. call it a night/day to stop whatever one is doing and go home~을 그만두다 (하던 일을 멈추고 집으로 돌아가다) (예문) You should call it a day on time for steady productivity. 2. to die for very desirable or enjoyable정말 갖고 싶은 (매우 호감 가거나 즐거운) (예문) Everything he buys is to die for, don’t […]
Food Bloggers (2020.9.7)
1. cross paths to meet someone without planning it마주치다 (계획하지 않고 누군가를 만나다) (예문) I hope that we cross paths someday and somewhere. 2. when it comes to someone/something speaking about someone or something~에 대해서는 (예문) When it comes to losing weight, having a healthy, balanced diet is the key to success. 3. make or […]
My Fiancée Wants 5 Kids! (2020.9.2)
1. on the rocks ruined or in trouble파탄 직전인 (망하거나 곤경에 처한) (예문) My romance has been on the rocks since I broke up with my ex-girlfriend. 2. a change of heart * a change of mind 은 이성적인 변화를 말하지만 a change of heart 는 감정적인 변화를 의미함 (뜻은 유사하지만 뉘앙스가 다름) a change […]
1. raise and shine to wake up and get out of bed잠에서 깨어 잠자리에서 일어나다 (예문) I raise and shine at 6 a.m. to make the best use of everyday. 2. ring a bell to be familiar들어 본 적이 있는 것 같다 (예문) What was his name? Re… Re… Renoir? It doesn’t ring a bell […]