
There’s Nothing Quite Like Late Night Street Food (2020.9.28)

1. call it a night/day

to stop whatever one is doing and go home
~을 그만두다 (하던 일을 멈추고 집으로 돌아가다)

(예문) You should call it a day on time for steady productivity.

2. to die for

very desirable or enjoyable
정말 갖고 싶은 (매우 호감 가거나 즐거운)

(예문) Everything he buys is to die for, don’t you think?

3. what the doctor ordered

something needed to make someone feel better
정확히 원하는/필요한 것 (누군가의 상태를 나아지게 해 줄 무언가)

(예문) When there’s nothing left in your tank, having a hot cup of coffee would be just what the doctor ordered to get you moving again.

4. My stomach is rumbling.

(1) 배에서 꼬르륵 소리가 나 (배고픔)
(2) 속이 안 좋아

5. Come one, …

어서요, ~ (상대방에게 재촉하는 표현)

(예문) Come on, you don’t have to hesitate to get what you want.


  1. 파워 잉글리시 2020년 9월 28일(월) 교재
  2. 파워 잉글리시 방송 (링크)

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By 라이언양

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