
(2019.10.21) Perogies vs. Mandu

1. Power Warm-up

It seems like every culture throughout Europe and Asia has dumplings of some sort, whether mandu in Korea, perogies in Poland, won tons in China, or ravioli in Italy. The styles vary from country to country, but the result is always the same: yummy!

유럽과 아시아의 모든 문화에는 일종의 만두가 있는 듯합니다. 한국의 만두나, 폴란드의 피에로기, 중국의 완탄, 그리고 이탈리아의 라비올라처럼 말이죠. 방식은 나라마다 다르지만, 결과는 언제나 같죠. 맛있다는 것!

2. Power Expressions

1) make something from scratch
2) backhanded compliment
3) swallow one’s pride

a) to do something that may be humbling or humiliating
b) to create a food dish from its basic ingredients
c) an insult disguised as praise

정답은 1 – b, 2 – c, 3 – a 이다.

3. Power Dialog

Perogies vs. Mandu

Ji-young: Are you making mandu from scratch, Pavel? We can get it at the shop around the corner and it’ll be way better.

Pavel: No, I’m making perogies. They’re Polish dumplings that my grandmother taught me to make when I was little. Here, try one. Dip it in the sour cream first.

Ji-young: It’s a little weird, since it’s filled with potatoes and onions, but it’s not bad. I could eat these and not get sick.

Pavel: Thanks for the backhanded compliment.

Ji-young: Well, I’m not going to spit it out. Does that make you feel better?

Pavel: You need to swallow your pride and admit that they’re amazing and you want more.

피에로기 vs 만두

지영: 만두를 직접 만드는 거야, 파벨? 모퉁이에 있는 가게에서 살 수도 있고 맛도 훨씬 나을 텐데.

파벨: 아니, 피에로기 만드는 거야. 이건 폴란드식 만두인데, 내가 어릴 때 할머니가 만드는 법을 알려 주셨거든. 자 한번 먹어 봐. 먼저 사워크림에 찍어서 먹어.

지영: 감자랑 양파로 속을 채워 넣는 게 좀 희한하네. 그래도 나쁘단 건 아니야. 먹고 탈이야 나겠어.

파벨: 칭찬인지 욕인지 고맙네.

지영: 알겠어, 뱉지는 않을게. 이러면 좀 낫니?

파벨: 자존심 따윈 버리고 인정해. 정말 맛있고 더 먹고 싶다고.

4. Power Note

1) make something from scratch

to create a food dish from its basic ingredients
아주 처음부터 시작하다, 재료부터 시작하여 ~을 만들다

If you don’t have the time to make something from complete scratch, you can still eat gluten free!

2) backhanded compliment

an insult disguised as praise
비꼬는 듯한 칭찬

And after about a month, I asked them for a feedback, and they somewhat famously and gave me the backhanded compliment of saying they like me better on YouTube than in person.

3) swallow one’s pride

to do something that may be humbling or humiliating
자존심을 버리다/굽히다

It requires me to swallow my pride and admit that I need this help, that without it, I’m not going to get the grades that I should be getting.

5. Power Pattern

Does that make you…?

그게 ~하게 하니? / 그러면 ~하니?

Does that make you sad when you think about it?
그것에 대해 생각하면 슬프니?

Does that make you think twice about moving to the Caribbean?
그것 때문에 카리브해로 이사하는 것에 대해 다시 한 번 생각하게 되니?

For example, if I said to you the future is going to be the same as the present, what does that make you feel?

6. Power Vocabulary


Dumplings have become a common menu item around the world. Dumplings are the English term for a small mass of dough that is either steamed or boiled (and sometimes also fried) and served alone or in a soup or stew. In Korea, it is called mandu.

덤플링은 세계적으로 흔한 메뉴가 되었죠. 덤플링은 영문명으로, 작은 반죽 덩어리를 찌거나 끓여서 (혹은 튀겨서) 그냥 먹기도 하고 수프나 스튜에 넣어 먹기도 합니다. 한국에서는 만두라고 부르죠.

7. Power Practice

1) 컴퓨터가 고장 나서 프로그램을 처음부터 다시 짜야만 했다. (make something from scratch)
*** My computer crashed, so I had to make the program over again from scratch.

2) 리타의 상사는 칭찬 대신에 ‘평소보다 나았다’라며 비꼬았다. (backhanded compliment)
*** Rita’s boss gave backhanded compliments about “work that was better than average” instead of praise.

3) 여섯 번의 실패 후, 나는 자존심을 굽히고 아버지께 도움을 청해야 한다는 것을 알았다. (swallow one’s pride)
*** After failing six times, I knew I had to swallow my pride and ask my father for help

Hits: 248

By 라이언양

라이언양 연구실 주인

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