
(2019.10.04) Success Habit: Never Stop Learning

1. Power Warm-up Some people think success comes down to luck, or perhaps knowing the right people. But any successful person will tell you that they create their own luck through hard work and good habits. One of those habits is spending time every day reading and learning. 어떤 사람들은 성공이 행운에서 비롯되거나 적절한 인재를 […]


(2019.10.03) Rewriting the History of the Americas

1. Power Warm-up A discovery in North America – made more than 20 years ago – is finally getting recognition for what it means: humans have occupied the Americas for more than 5 times longer than previously believed. Still, some scientists are resistant to new ideas. 북아메리카 대륙에서의 발견이 – 20년도 더 되었지만 – 드디어 […]


(2019.10.02) Let’s Head for the Hills

1. Power Warm-up Hiking is a great way to escape the electronics and other distractions of our daily lives. It’s also an incredible form of exercise, climbing up and down hills and mountains and enjoying the sights and smells of nature. 하이킹은 우리가 일상의 전자기기들과 다른 산만함에서 벗어나는 좋은 방법입니다. 또한 하이킹은 훌륭한 운동으로 언덕과 […]


(2019.10.01) Australia: Vacation of a Lifetime

1. Power Warm-up Mary and Todd have finally taken the trip they had been talking about since they were kids. A month spent traveling around Australia is something many people talk about but seem to never actually do. What travel plans have you been putting off until “just the right time?” 메리와 토드는 마침내 어릴 […]